Monday, August 4, 2014

70-79: Journalism, Broadly Defined

The 70's are meant to focus on newspapers. However, the bulk of the books on offer seemed to be memoirs. Maybe they were journalistic in that they had originally been blogs? Or maybe they were by or about journalists, or about people's interactions with newspapers? I wasn't sure, but I picked up MWF Seeks BFF, a "stunt biography" about a woman going on 52 "first dates" with different women in her new town, looking for a new BFF. It looked entertaining and similar to other books I have read and enjoyed, but I wasn't sure what it had to do with journalism or how it achieved my goal of forcing myself to learn about a wider variety of topics, so I also selected Blur: How to Know What's True in the Age of Information Overload, which seemed more like a "real" 070s book.

Well, less like a book I would read like a novel, anyway. I'm a little ways into it and really appreciating it, but I have been keeping the Book Darts (TM) handy, because it does require some study and attention. They are addressing the problem of over information

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